Posts in Marijuana
Too Much of a Good Thing Can Turn Bad.”

As children we do not recognize the balance that we must develop between freedom and responsibility in adulthood. Growing up I constantly reminded my parents of the numerous things I would do “once I was grown”; skip mandatory bedtimes, eat dessert before dinner and a plethora of other adult dreams. Throughout our life we experience moments where we over indulge, possibly to our detriment. Eating too much Halloween candy after trick-or-treating, blacking out on our 21st birthday or staying out too late causing us to miss commitments the next morning.  

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MarijuanaMahogany Mary
“The Weather is Nice and the Weed is Good.”

“Puff. Pass. Love.” was birthed out of the necessity to document my marijuana & yoga journey since relocating to California in 2015. I hope my experiences entice you to indulge in both. If not, feel free to live vicariously through me as I share how both yoga and weed assist me as I find my place and a few friends in the City of Angels.

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MarijuanaMahogany Mary